Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tired, but one more posting today:

So, I've spent much of the last two years, since I stopped working, reading and researching issues of sustainable living, peak oil/energy, climate change, no growth/contraction economics, etc. For the first year, I focused on the negative/fear inspiring stuff out there on the web. I've not found that approach helpful. More recently I've made a concerted effort to concentrate on writers and bloggers who at least have something constructive to add to the conversation. People like John Michael Greer (Archdruid), Samuel Alexander; Sites like and Yes! Magazine's.

I find their thinking excellent, and I will provide links to articles and essays I find interesting soon; but now I just want to share a few thoughts:

  • It is quite clear to me that our world is at a certain end limit of what it will tolerate from humanity. 
  • If we humans can't figure out a way to contract in a manner that is equitable and loving, Mother nature will do it for us, and she will not be so nice about it. We may not be nice about it either, but we at least can make choices, we CAN do it right. Whether we can develop the collective will to do so is another matter
  • The longer TPTB in our world ignore (or hide) the truth, the faster and harsher our civilization's collapse will be. Again, we can choose to contract in a loving way; or we can let our Earth turn into a Hell. 
That's it for know, I'm exhausted and sick tonight (think I have pleurisy, a first for me and it is painful). So, off to get some rest and see my doctor in the AM. 

Goodnight, fellow humans. 


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