Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mammon and Its' Discontented

Good Morning Fellow Humans,

I've been doing some morning reading, and one article posted on common dreams has me supremely pissed off. It's about CCA 'officers' (Corrections Corporation of America) being used (with local law enforcement) in a drug sweep of an Arizona high school. I'll provide a link below, but the whole things has me upset. The legality of this is questionable and I'm sure (I hope!) it ends up in court.

This brings me to the larger issue, namely, the worship of MAMMON by much of humanity. "Mammon", for those who may not know, is a biblical term from the New Testament meant to symbolize material wealth and greed. It is often portrayed as a demonic deity.

If the majority of humanity that has some power and wealth continue to worship Mammon, humanity will be brought to its' knees. This worship of this ultimate false God will bring about our destruction, period. The 'holy texts' are right on this one people.

And, 'the meek shall inherit the earth'? I suppose they might, but the 'meek' may not even be human beings. Maybe it will just be the mice/rats/other small mammals and insects and some hardy plants.


Here's the link if anyone is interested:

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