Saturday, November 17, 2012

Aha, here's where the title goes!

So, I encourage anyone out there who is reading this, to please click on the link and read and/or watch it. The author, Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, shares many points in common with me. The current paradigm is ending, and a new one is being birthed now at numerous points on our lovely planet. 

This is a battle, between the status-quo and a new world. The powers behind out current paradigm are, I believe, terrified at this point. Those in power know, deep down, that their days in power are numbered. They will do anything to hold on to the power for as long as possible. The problem is, this 'holding on' may take the whole thing down. It's disturbing to realize just how insane, and in fact suicidal, TPTB are. They're eating their own seed-corn, swallowing themselves up in the process. Global GDP $70 trillion, Total derivatives $1200 trillion --- gee, is there a disconnect here? You think? 

I think part of the process may be to just ... ignore them. Find a way to simplify your life as much as possible and learn as much as you can about living in a more harmonious, balanced way with your local environment. Easier said than done I know, but it is the major task facing each and all of us. 

We best get to work.... 

Love 2 All


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