Saturday, December 15, 2012

If you are brave...

Good Afternoon, fellow humans;

If you are brave, you who may view this little blog; you will read the attached link of Guy McPherson's "Nature Bats Last" blog. Read the comments, for they are - all of them - beautiful - in a terrible way.

I suppose I still have a little faith left. Just a bit. I do find the supposed life of Jesus fascinating, and I feel like I kind of understand where he was coming from. But, I may be just fucking nuts. I'll say this, I don't really think humanity has a chance anymore. Our only hope, I believe, is an intervention by some more advanced and benevolent being or race, possibly existing in dimensions beyond our three. I doubt anything less than this will 'save' us. At other times, I feel our 3D selves may not be worth saving, that maybe this is the 'natural' end point of life in this realm. I suppose our 'souls', if we have them; may continue in other realms. Our egos will not. And good riddance to them, for they are Trouble, with a capital "T".

I'm sitting in our front room, with my niece Abigail and her friends Anise and McKenna playing in the background. These are some lovely and creative young girls. I want so much for them to have the opportunities provided to my generation in this land. Then, I think of all the poorer people on our planet, the opportunities denied them; as some sort of twisted sacrifice to the 'affluent west'. It's sick, when you think about it. Why do we deserve any better than anyone else on the planet? We don't! Maybe this is the great karmic blowback. But, it may take us all down.

To quote Faye Dunaway in 'Mommie Dearest': "No one ever said life is fair Tina". Truer words have never been spoken.

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