Saturday, December 8, 2012

Back in my little town

Hello Again,

Another song, for my mind is still percolating over several issues today...

This is Paul Simon's "My Little Town". This song has always haunted me. I grew up in Central and Northern New York State (we lived in and around Syracuse). My parents are from the Thousand Islands region (along the St. Lawrence river where it starts from Lake Ontario and forms the border between NYS and Ontario, Canada). These areas, in fact most of upstate (north of Westchester/Rockland counties which 'orbit'  Greater New York City economically) are chock full of dead and dying little towns. Most of the communities upstate are in varying degrees of decay. There are a few exceptions (Skaneateles, where we lived for a time; the more well-to-do suburbs of Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo; Saratoga Springs - you get the drift).

I'm sure many people who've grown up in the rust belt can relate (maybe I should have left it 'rest belt'!). And, unfortunately, much of the rest of our once great nation is in similar straits. It's quite depressing.

In tribute to all of these places, I post this song:

Peace and Love 2 All


P.S: I predict that upstate New York will be BACK one day, and be a 'bread basket' once again (it was one up to the 1890's you know). The Erie (Barge) Canal will be of real use once again!

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