Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blah Humbug!

Good Evening, fellow humans!

You knew this one was coming! I'll keep it pretty short. Went to the mall today with Mother (Yes I did, painful though it was for me). The actual purpose of this mall trip was for Mom to get her hair trimmed, and on Sunday the only salons open are generally in the mall. She did insist on buying me a few items off of the clearance rack at Belks. I did need a few shirts, and Mom got 4 for a total of $34.37. Thanks Mom!

But this little tidbit written by George Monbiot  did get my attention, so here it is:

"People in eastern Congo are massacred to facilitate smart phone upgrades of ever diminishing marginal utility. Forests are felled to make “personalised heart-shaped wooden cheese board sets”. Rivers are poisoned to manufacture talking fish. This is pathological consumption: a world-consuming epidemic of collective madness, rendered so normal by advertising and the media that we scarcely notice what has happened to us."

Here's the link to the full essay/blog posting by Mr. Monbiot:

The madness of consumption in this nation, and much of the industrialized world (but particularly here) is indeed pathological. Think about what 'they' call us, 'consumers'; as if that is all that we are. We should not let ourselves be defined in such crass, indeed 'consumerist' terms. I do believe humanity, even the American type, is better than this.

Prove me right!

Peace, Love, and Joy to ALL!

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