Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Austerity = Death?

Well, Good Day again Fellow Humans;

I'm actually going to quote from myself here, then provide a link. Here's my quote, from my post titled something like "What's going on 2" or something...

"I've come across some writers online who suggest that the elites/powers that be are pushing 'austerity' not because they believe it will 'fix' our economy, but because it will indeed slowly destroy it and bring the masses standard of living down along with the economies of the nations subject to 'austerity measures'. This is interesting, since it actually could achieve some of the same 'goals' of many of the environmental activists out there (me included) in a kind of mean/back-handed way. It is hard to imagine that the leaders of the 'super elite' (if they indeed exist) would truly not know about the gathering threats to our civilization. Do you really think all these CEO's and heads of international institutions don't know what's going on? I mean really, get a grip." - me RtTBt - Robert Taylor Bazinet

Here's the link, to an interview by Amy Goodman originally appearing on Democracy Now with the authors of the book 'The Body Economic - Why Austerity Kills' by David Stuckler, MPH, PhD and Sanjay Basu, MD, PhD:

I am NOT criticizing this book, I think the authors did great work and make excellent points. I only question the basic assumption their book rests on, that Austerity is being implemented in a misguided attempt to 'help' the economies of the countries subject to it. I believe it is being implemented, as I allude to above, to DELIBERATELY siphon lost wealth back to the banks lost during the financial crisis and, indeed, to reduce the populations of countries subject to austerity measures in this evil but still 'organic' way; i.e. people killing themselves, becoming addicted to drugs, dying due to lack of adequate health care, etc.

I don't believe humanity should continue down this path. It is heartless, mean, cruel, and in the end embodies great evil. This path will not end in any place you want to be, mark my words.

On that note, I bid you Adieu!


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