Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Where may we be headed?

Where may we be headed? You're asking me? Okay... 

After all the reading I've done on this subject, several interesting possibilities come to my mind. Imagine this: Leading astrophysicists announce that something has 'gone wrong' with our sun and it will start the Supernova process in about 20 years, turning first into a 'red giant' - which would fry all life on earth and leave it a rock if not absorb the planet into itself. The end of us, in other words. Not trying to scare anyone, our Sun is middle aged and should have several billion years left of relative stability. But, imagine this were to happen anyway. What would humanity do? 

I think many minds and resources would be devoted to developing true AI - literally an artificial mind or minds. I can almost imagine a platform such as, oh I don't know, say FACEBOOK being used to 'gather' humanity together for the eventual transition of our minds from our bodies to this AI 'machine'; which would then be blasted into space in the hope that someone or something finds us eventually. Think of the old Star Trek next-gen episode where Captain Picard visits that mysterious probe and ends up thinking he lived an entire life in this culture that had been dead for untold number of years (how the F do you you spell millennia?). 

Do I want this scenario to play out? Not really, but I do think we should explore all of our options. I read an article by Helen Camakaris today on Resilience that explores the various options we have if we apply REASON to our various dilemmas. Here's the link: 
We do need, in my opinion, some sort of global authority to lead us - though I don't think we should think of this as a 'world government'. Some sort of centralized organization that can bring our best and brightest together to work out a solution. I'd like to see humanity quickly realize the threat, and actually ACT instead of argue and/or stick our collective head in the sand. God/Creator/Creators may NOT save us, this may be the absolute final test - can we figure out how to live together in a just, joyful, loving, and SUSTAINABLE way or will we go down in a fury of chaos and misery? I still believe the choice, as always, is each and all of ours. Intervention is a possibility, but by no means guaranteed. 

Another thing I want to bring up; recently on facebook 'God' posted a picture with text proposing that perhaps the increasing number of 'gay' people is God's way of controlling the population and caring for unwanted children through adoption. With all of the estrogen 'mimics' contaminating our world, I do seem to see a noticeable increase in the number of transgender people, and young men who are beautiful and oddly feminine; and young women who are beautiful but oddly masculine. Gender lines are starting to blur, it's clear  - to me at least. 

So, I leave you with these thoughts... Singularity? A world where people learn to live well with less in peace? Or.... ??? 

OmegaMan --- I don't want to be the last one! 

Peace, Love, Joy... and out. 


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