Good Afternoon Fellow Humans,
What are we facing? Well, I don't know. Surprise, surprise. I can only offer you my thoughts and half-baked theories, perhaps my broadly but not specifically educated guesses.
The one over-riding theme I see recurring in almost everything I encounter during my online excursions is this: Humanity needs to find a way to give-up its' obsession with wealth, status, and power and learn to truly love one-another - if we, as a race, are to make it much longer. All else, everything, follows from this, well, FACT; as far as I'm concerned. This is, obviously, not a new concept! It's as old as the hills and pretty much the same thing Jesus and I'm sure many other great teachers from our past have said. Yet here we are, still trying to learn the lesson.
I'm not saying that loving one-another will magically solve all of our problems. But, it can provide the needed foundation upon which to build a truly loving and sustainable community of Humanity. This true loving and acceptance of one-another is, I believe, the only foundation that can support humanity indefinitely. Other foundations will, sooner or later, fail.
I am truly concerned about what is going on with our environment at this time. The Arctic situation in particular has me nervous. Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, and although it is short-lived (it breaks down to its' constituent elemental components quite rapidly); it does its' damage VERY quickly. From what I've read and know, the arctic is already thawing and methane is starting to spew into our atmosphere. This is a 'positive feedback loop' and is impossible to stop once it's begun. We may be able to slow it, but we may need to take some technological steps to do so (seeding the skies over the arctic to encourage cloud cover, for example - and it may not work). The implications of letting this go are truly frightening, and some research suggests it could make the earth unfit for human habitation (or any higher life-form) in an amazingly quick time. Imagine all the plankton in the sea dying, the ocean acidifying, and then an Anoxic Event occurring and the seas belching copious amounts of Hydrogen Sulfide instead of life giving Oxygen! It wouldn't take long to kill us all. Many researchers think a similar situation killed off the larger dinosaurs. Something did, and did it VERY QUICKLY!
The entire globalist/corporate/neoliberal market fundamentalist (that word I loathe again!) paradigm must go. Profit cannot be "GOD 1". Will it make more money for 'the company' cannot be the primary motivator of any 'company' out there. The first function of ANY human institution must become, 'will this help heal and bring humanity together'. All else must be secondary. We have so much work to do, oodles of it! A 'job' for anyone who is able to do anything!
"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" - Revelations 22:12
Human hubris knows no bounds. I'd like to believe the human 'heart' knows no bounds either. It is an awfully warm December in this part of the world. It's been an odd year throughout our world. Take Mother Nature's many hints - I think it's time to search our hearts and souls and prepare to change, each and all of us.
Enough for now...
Love Peace -- and JOY to ALL!
hopefully not the OmegaMan
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
- Revelations 22:13
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