Monday, December 3, 2012

The Patience of a Saint?

So, I've had yet another strange day. I received mail from a debt collecting attorney regarding a citibank credit card that I'm being taken to court for (Dec. 17th). I thought this credit card was one my ex-partner James had procured without my knowledge in 1994 on which we stopped paying in I think late 1995 and which was charged off in late 96 or 97. I was upset about this (and others he did the same thing with), but let it go and rode it out. He dealt with the collectors, I really had no idea what exactly was going on. I did find it odd that they would come after me so many years later, but was prepared to go to court and find out what was going on. In hindsight, I was pretty stupid about it. Silly Faggot, Credit is for Hetero's!

So, I receive today's mail, and I soon discover that James (whom I left in 2004{he left me actually, sold our house out from under me and took most of the profits - my name wasn't on it so I had no recourse}) had procured yet another citibank credit card in my name, charged up nearly $7,000 on it, and then stopped paying on it. I had absolutely no idea. I have contacted his sister and demanded the full amount in certified funds by this Friday 12/07 plus $2,000 for my aggravation, or I will file theft of identity charges with the local police department in question. I have already spoken to the attorney and the police, and I will do this unless I receive the funds by 12/07. I have no choice. I'll be damned if I will serve a day in jail or pay a dime (which I don't have, btw) of this debt. I did not incur it, period.

He's lying in a bed in a nursing home in St. Petersburg, Florida. He can't walk, He has end stage Parkinson's Disease, and I don't care. Am I a cruel and heartless person? I don't think so. He is a con artist and a thief, and he screwed me over one too many times. He can ROT.

Enough about that, just wanted to clue any readers out there into why I may be in a ... rather intense mood.

So, I'm going to link now to a song from the 1990's by "Electronic" entitled, I believe, 'Patience of a Saint'. Then, I will continue...

Patience may be a virtue, but it doesn't seem to be one of mine. But, I wonder... I've put up with quite a lot of crap from various people in my life. Far too much, actually. In retrospect, I didn't do them any favors by 'putting up with it'. I think I hurt them, actually. I never meant to, but it is the end effect that I see. I should have long ago stood up to my ex and told him like it is. Instead, I let him get away with this crap for so long that this ended up happening. Oh well, he should not have done this and I will not feel guilty about it. I would NEVER do this to ANYONE, and he did it as habit, and more, and to others as well. Just Desserts, JFM.

It's funny, considering I linked just last night to a piece analyzing Jesus's 'turning of the other cheek' quote. Translated correctly, he was referring to turning a cheek to the 'slapper' that he (the slapper) could not hit lest he debase himself by using his 'unlcean' hand (people were way messed up back then, maybe even more than us!). I think the other option was that the 'slapper' could instead hit said person with a closed fist; but that this implied the slapper and slapee were 'peers', equals; and that would be well just too much! It was quite revolutionary of Jesus really, in his place and time.

So, guess I'm opting out of the 'turning the other cheek' thing this time around. I've had it, I leave JFM to the jaws of Mammon, whom he has worshiped for so long. May it have mercy on his soul...

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