Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The feminine side...

Good Morning, you few fellow humans who may read this;

Wow, was I in a mood last night. Brown liquor does that to me. I ended up calling it an early night, thank God!

I just heard the song 'Sam' by Olivia Newton John from 1977. When I was in 8th and 9th grade (1979-1981) I had a huge crush on the son of one of my mother's friends, a young man named Sam. He was (is!) completely heterosexual I am quite sure, but I had this crush on him none-the-less. My sister had the album 'Olivia Newton-John - Greatest Hits', which had this song on it. I used to listen to it when I was alone (I was often alone, especially in the summer - Mom and Stepdad both worked full time and my sister was social and had lots of friends - I did not). I would swoon and cry and feel all this emotion and think about Sam. I was such a Girl! Still am, actually. Guess one always wants what one cannot have. Oh well!

Another thought I had this morning is this; So many of my fellow 1966 babies seem to have mental health issues! My good friend (actually, my soulmate I think) Daron and I talk about this frequently. He's brilliant, degrees from Brown, made some documentary films in the 90's, worked for Microsoft for a bit. Now he's in Seattle, barely scraping buy dealing with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, whatever the F that is. Sam, last I heard, is living with his Mom in Spokane and in recovery from alcoholism. And here I am, barely hanging on to my mind in Savannah. Met an even crazier bi-polar woman while I was in New Orleans the last night I was there, Bijou. Stayed up all night talking to her. She wore me out!

Anyway, just some random thoughts. Here's to all the 1966 babies out there, hang on tight my loves!

And, of course, here's  a link to 'Sam':

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