Monday, December 17, 2012

Random Rant, and RANT I will...

Good Afternoon, fellow humans;

Or should I say, our world is so fucked up beyond belief that it should be destroyed and quickly. Or, better yet, just us, FUCKING HUMANITY! Leave the rest of our fucking beautiful world to recover from our 'works' that have so nearly destroyed it. What the fuck good are we? Seriously, do you really think we have done ONE GOOD THING IN OUR ENTIRE HISTORY? It appears to me, one human looking at the incredible mess we have made, that we have done nothing but DESTROY!

If I were the judge, I fear what my judgement may be. I am angry at this time, and I may very well be speaking 'out of my asshole', but so be it. Can you blame me, really? We send remote controlled drones to kill, indiscriminately, entire families in nations such as Pakistan. And then we weep tears, however justified, for our own 1ST GRADERS killed by some messed up mad man. And then, I read shit suggesting that he was just a patsy and didn't actually kill them and that some trained assassins killed the kids instead. What the FUCK!

I don't know, but I am so ROYALLY pissed off right now I can't express it. You, humanity, and me, representative for humanity, better get our collective acts together and quickly. We may be tempting collective fate here my 'friends'. We may be being prepared to be wiped off the map of greater creation.

What a shame that would be....

and yet I still Love you, why I can't quite figure out right now...


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