Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hello, Goodbye, Hello

Good Morning, fellow Humans;

Just want to let you know, I'll be taking a trip to Florida with my Mom for a couple weeks and may not have much internet access (that's up to my friend John). I may or may not be posting during this time.

Hope people enjoyed the holiday, those for whom a holiday it was. New Year is next up, which has been a strange time for me historically. Here's to hoping for the best!

Happy New Year,

Love, Peace, and Joy to ALL


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

One more thought...

This is directed at ... the opposition, the competition:

It takes one to know one.

That's it, fellow humans. Sleep well, for tomorrow is a new day.



Not totally sure what I think about this song, but I'm compelled to share it with you...

Harmony and Forgiveness

Merry Christmas, and Blessings to All of Humanity, Christian or Other, doesn't matter;

For, it doesn't matter. How we choose to formulate our faith (and all of us have a bit of it, whether we'll admit it/call it faith/whatever - we all have something like it - we couldn't BE if we didn't). We have been through so much as a race of beings. So many horrible things. So many wonderful things. Yet, we are still questing for universal love and peace. We can think it, but we can't quite seem to reach it.

Manifest This! Forgiveness, for all of us. This is the starting point. Forgive your brothers and sisters. Just Do It!

Once forgiveness passes through to all, once we all feel it ... then, we can start the process of loving one-another. Many and much restructuring will be needed, but first thing is first. Love One Another. All else can build upon that. Please, work on freeing your mind of negative thought. We all have them, but how we REACT to these thoughts is key. Realize they are blocks, meant to stumble you up. Overcome them, and start the process of manifesting a new reality. It's time!

Forgiveness, Love, Peace and ... next up... JOY to all beings here on Earth.


Alpha?Omega?  Omega transformed into Alpha, BEGIN AGAIN!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays...

To Each and to All,

Here's some Judy Garland to cheer you up...

Peace, Love and Joy to ALL


Sunday, December 23, 2012

a little much?

Okay, so maybe that was a little much for many of you? Maybe not? I actually have no fucking clue... All I know is that we worshiped Divine and were very sad when he passed on. But, it was likely for the best, for I don't think he could have taken the decades that followed him. He was of a time, and that time passed all too quickly, sadly... Long Live Disco!

More Divine, if you can take it...

here's some more. we, all of us young ones who lived on MDA and stayed up all night dancing our asses off to this shit. I don't regret a minute of it, for IT WAS ALL WORTH IT! I recall it all, and it all was amazing...

so, what the F am I?

I have to wonder just what the fuck I am. I feel so ... alien.... relative to all of you. I love you all so much, but I don't understand you in the least. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Here's a video from Divine, I hope you get it....:

The Sound of Music

One more time, fellow humans!

You know, I've had a couple of black lovers in my past, and I still love both of them so much. Daron, my soulmate in Seattle, is one. Love to you, Daron my friend, my love!

and Daryl, whom I've lost contact with. I wish I could find him again, guess I'll have to put some effort in to the search. Such a sweet man, one of the most decent and loving humans I have ever known.

Which brings me to my point. My family is watching 'The Sound of Music', you know, with Julie Andrews. I imagine a black American family watching this film, and laughing their asses off! I tear up when I watch it. I suppose black families could tear up a bit also, but from what little I know of black culture in the USA, I imagine they would be cracking up more than tearing up.

And that's okay. There are times when I truly enjoy the company of black folk more than white folk. Black folk are just, more down to earth - more real, more centered. More in touch with what is truly real, than most white people I know. I spent a 'girls night' with Daryl and his mother, sister, and various cousins and friends. What a laugh fest it was, the most fun I've had in ages. I miss him, and I do need to find him again. So, that is one of my 'resolutions' for this new year, I must locate and re-establish contact with Daryl!

On this note, I bid you all a good night!

Love 2 ALL!


and here is a picture of  Daryl and me, summer of 2008 - 4th of July I think...

Don't call me Scrooge though...

For I love Christmas. It kind of hurts that I have no funds to buy at least a bit of something for my family. Guess I need to give them cards good for some good deed/chore/something that I can do for them. So, I will, for 0.28 in my bank account won't do much else - It's up to me, by the sweat of my brow or whatever...

But, that's not what it is really about for me. I enjoy the time I spend with family; the greetings exchanged with friends and family too physically far away to see in person. The spirit of it, the music, yes the lights and the schmaltz ... I enjoy it all. I strongly believe that most people who celebrate 'the season', for whatever reason, feel similarly. I posted these thoughts on facebook today, and I'll share them with you too --- Christmas is a common point of recollection, of memory, of experience ---- many people thinking similar thoughts and having similar feelings all at the same small, particular point in time. It can be quite powerful! Go with it! Enjoy the season and prepare for a New Year, for it is filled with promise and peril. Let us go with the promise and try to minimize the peril.

God Bless, God Speed, and Joy to the World!


oh, and a few photos and a song!

This photo is by my cousin Amy, and I think it is BRILLIANT! Please forgive me, Amy, for copying and pasting it...

Here is a detail of a tree from 2009, it was JFM's actually...

and, some Christmas music from Charlie Brown...

Blah Humbug!

Good Evening, fellow humans!

You knew this one was coming! I'll keep it pretty short. Went to the mall today with Mother (Yes I did, painful though it was for me). The actual purpose of this mall trip was for Mom to get her hair trimmed, and on Sunday the only salons open are generally in the mall. She did insist on buying me a few items off of the clearance rack at Belks. I did need a few shirts, and Mom got 4 for a total of $34.37. Thanks Mom!

But this little tidbit written by George Monbiot  did get my attention, so here it is:

"People in eastern Congo are massacred to facilitate smart phone upgrades of ever diminishing marginal utility. Forests are felled to make “personalised heart-shaped wooden cheese board sets”. Rivers are poisoned to manufacture talking fish. This is pathological consumption: a world-consuming epidemic of collective madness, rendered so normal by advertising and the media that we scarcely notice what has happened to us."

Here's the link to the full essay/blog posting by Mr. Monbiot:

The madness of consumption in this nation, and much of the industrialized world (but particularly here) is indeed pathological. Think about what 'they' call us, 'consumers'; as if that is all that we are. We should not let ourselves be defined in such crass, indeed 'consumerist' terms. I do believe humanity, even the American type, is better than this.

Prove me right!

Peace, Love, and Joy to ALL!

Whose original Sin?

A very brief re-reading of Genesis brings a question to my mind. Just whose 'original sin' was it? Looking at the text, I think the GOD character may have committed this first 'sin'. That's my instinctual reaction to it, and I'm going to stick with this idea.

It appears to me that this creation myth contains a 'set-up' for mankind; one the 'first couple' could not help but give-in to. So, I'm a satanist, right? I don't think so. What I'm trying to get at here is that this human condition of self-awareness is somehow inherent in us, and to label this precondition of the human mind as somehow, by default, sinful is kind of - well, evil. I think this is a sort-of 'fatal flaw' in the Abrahamic religions. Sets us up for 'failure' from the get-go. Once again, one must consider the source(s); these stories were passed down verbally from generation to generation for who knows how long, since at least the sumerians from what I've read. The various stories began to be written down and modified/translated through the ages ... by PEOPLE! Take the spirit of it to heart, but please realize literal interpretations are fraught with potential errors.

Genesis is a fascinating parable/story to me. It does offer an explanation of what separates us from all other creatures on this Earth. Look at all other life forms, they live 'in' nature. They may use a found object as a 'tool' at times, beavers make dams, birds make nests. They do, on a low level, manipulate the natural environment a bit. But, then, look at humanity. We have taken the manipulation of the natural environment to the extreme. And now, by all appearances, the natural world may be preparing to seriously 'blow-back' at humanity. How will we react?

I think this is our largest 'test' yet. One hint I will take from Christian Scripture is the tale of Jesus turning the tables of the money-changers in the temple. I strongly believe that this story holds the kernel of our liberation.  All the 'evils' of our current world can be traced straight back to love of power/wealth/status (Mammon, as I've said before). Sacrificing the good for the sake of short term profit is ruining our world. Our societies could 'take this' for a time (not without causing horrible damage and demanding sacrifice in much of the world), but now the damage being done is truly epic in scope. If this continues, mark my words, it will bring humanity down.

The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind. A mass movement to take down the multi-national banking institutions is the logical starting point I see. How to do this is beyond me, but I feel a slow coalescing building among various groups scattered about our still lovely planet. I encourage everyone who may read this to think on these points.

Peace, Love, and Joy to ALL!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

My Unity Alter

Well hello, few readers out there in the ether - fellow humans;

I haven't had much to say the past few days. And, I still don't. My Mom is up from Florida for Christmas, and I think it's time to go back to church. I'm a member of the local Unitarian Universalist congregation but haven't attended for over a year. I think it's time to go back.

I see we got through 12/21/2012. No great surprise there. I enjoyed viewing the sunrise, and tried mightily to clear my mind on that day. Not sure if I succeeded, but I did make the attempt.

So many others have so many more informed opinions on what we're facing, I don't want to compete with them, for I do not have their knowledge, experience, or education. I will leave that sort of analysis to them for now.

All I can repeat is the same thing I've said here before; the same thing that has been repeated ad-infinitum for so very long. What the world needs now is love, sweet love (Thanks Burt and Dionne and who's the lyricist again?). We need to love one-another (Thanks Jesus, and others). All other endeavors, theories, philosophies, ideologies; will FAIL without this one CRUCIAL ingredient - Love. Not sure what else I can say about it. It is absolutely essential if we, humanity, are to continue.

So, I'll leave you with a little photo of my fireplace in the room I lived in from April 2011 to August of 2011; a beautiful space that I did not want to leave but circumstance demanded I do so. I was quite 'nuts' while living in this space, and I prayed daily to this 'alter', prayed for love and unity. I hope these prayers will someday be answered...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Just another old disco tune that I worship, the incredible and awesome France Joli!:

Enjoy, those who are capable of ... enjoyment!

The feminine side...

Good Morning, you few fellow humans who may read this;

Wow, was I in a mood last night. Brown liquor does that to me. I ended up calling it an early night, thank God!

I just heard the song 'Sam' by Olivia Newton John from 1977. When I was in 8th and 9th grade (1979-1981) I had a huge crush on the son of one of my mother's friends, a young man named Sam. He was (is!) completely heterosexual I am quite sure, but I had this crush on him none-the-less. My sister had the album 'Olivia Newton-John - Greatest Hits', which had this song on it. I used to listen to it when I was alone (I was often alone, especially in the summer - Mom and Stepdad both worked full time and my sister was social and had lots of friends - I did not). I would swoon and cry and feel all this emotion and think about Sam. I was such a Girl! Still am, actually. Guess one always wants what one cannot have. Oh well!

Another thought I had this morning is this; So many of my fellow 1966 babies seem to have mental health issues! My good friend (actually, my soulmate I think) Daron and I talk about this frequently. He's brilliant, degrees from Brown, made some documentary films in the 90's, worked for Microsoft for a bit. Now he's in Seattle, barely scraping buy dealing with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, whatever the F that is. Sam, last I heard, is living with his Mom in Spokane and in recovery from alcoholism. And here I am, barely hanging on to my mind in Savannah. Met an even crazier bi-polar woman while I was in New Orleans the last night I was there, Bijou. Stayed up all night talking to her. She wore me out!

Anyway, just some random thoughts. Here's to all the 1966 babies out there, hang on tight my loves!

And, of course, here's  a link to 'Sam':

Monday, December 17, 2012


So, can you say stream of consciousness? My stream was interrupted by the need to look up the spelling of 'consciousness', damn it.

So, I'm not sure what I wanted to say. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Ohhhhmmmmmm.

I know all my talk about Jesus and all that shit is, well, kind of bullshit. After all the ranting I've done about the stupidity of 'fundamentalist' religion; for me to quote 'Jesus' in revelations takes some balls. Ok, so mine are oversized, so what! Beat them why don't you. I invite you to do so. But, I feel most of you out there are ... well, to not put too fine a point on it, fucking pussies!

Really, all this fucking bullshit and NOT ONE FUCKING COMMENT! Are you that chicken? Really? Apparently you are, you are fucking chicken shit wimps from hell, all of you, as far as I can tell.

I invite comment, I need to be engaged for, believe it or not, I DO NOT know it all. I am with you, fellow humans, trying to figure it out as we go. Please, please; engage me! Do not be afraid, I will not tear you apart. I am open to criticism.


get the fucking hint, humans?

Love, Peace, and JOY to ALL!

Random Rant, and RANT I will...

Good Afternoon, fellow humans;

Or should I say, our world is so fucked up beyond belief that it should be destroyed and quickly. Or, better yet, just us, FUCKING HUMANITY! Leave the rest of our fucking beautiful world to recover from our 'works' that have so nearly destroyed it. What the fuck good are we? Seriously, do you really think we have done ONE GOOD THING IN OUR ENTIRE HISTORY? It appears to me, one human looking at the incredible mess we have made, that we have done nothing but DESTROY!

If I were the judge, I fear what my judgement may be. I am angry at this time, and I may very well be speaking 'out of my asshole', but so be it. Can you blame me, really? We send remote controlled drones to kill, indiscriminately, entire families in nations such as Pakistan. And then we weep tears, however justified, for our own 1ST GRADERS killed by some messed up mad man. And then, I read shit suggesting that he was just a patsy and didn't actually kill them and that some trained assassins killed the kids instead. What the FUCK!

I don't know, but I am so ROYALLY pissed off right now I can't express it. You, humanity, and me, representative for humanity, better get our collective acts together and quickly. We may be tempting collective fate here my 'friends'. We may be being prepared to be wiped off the map of greater creation.

What a shame that would be....

and yet I still Love you, why I can't quite figure out right now...


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dark Thoughts?

Good Afternoon, fellow humans;

I'm reading the manifesto of 'The Dark Mountain Project'. Ran across a link to this in I believe one of the comments on Guy McPherson's blog I linked to yesterday.

For those who may be interested, I find this well thought out; quite intense reading.

Here 'tis:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

If you are brave...

Good Afternoon, fellow humans;

If you are brave, you who may view this little blog; you will read the attached link of Guy McPherson's "Nature Bats Last" blog. Read the comments, for they are - all of them - beautiful - in a terrible way.

I suppose I still have a little faith left. Just a bit. I do find the supposed life of Jesus fascinating, and I feel like I kind of understand where he was coming from. But, I may be just fucking nuts. I'll say this, I don't really think humanity has a chance anymore. Our only hope, I believe, is an intervention by some more advanced and benevolent being or race, possibly existing in dimensions beyond our three. I doubt anything less than this will 'save' us. At other times, I feel our 3D selves may not be worth saving, that maybe this is the 'natural' end point of life in this realm. I suppose our 'souls', if we have them; may continue in other realms. Our egos will not. And good riddance to them, for they are Trouble, with a capital "T".

I'm sitting in our front room, with my niece Abigail and her friends Anise and McKenna playing in the background. These are some lovely and creative young girls. I want so much for them to have the opportunities provided to my generation in this land. Then, I think of all the poorer people on our planet, the opportunities denied them; as some sort of twisted sacrifice to the 'affluent west'. It's sick, when you think about it. Why do we deserve any better than anyone else on the planet? We don't! Maybe this is the great karmic blowback. But, it may take us all down.

To quote Faye Dunaway in 'Mommie Dearest': "No one ever said life is fair Tina". Truer words have never been spoken.

Violence Breeds...

Morning Humanity;

Notice I left out some of my normal salutations. I think you know why...

This is an older Pet Shop song that I think should be repeated, far and wide:

yes, someone miss-spelled defense. Doesn't change the meaning here.

And, I'm linking to the HipCrime Vocab, as he makes some additional points we all should consider.

Friday, December 14, 2012


I only want to say, keep the victims and their families in your thoughts today. And, think of other parents and their children in other 'far-away' lands who have lost their lives ... think how their families must feel also. We are one giant extended family, all fractals of one whole. What is done to one is done to all.

I'm going to be silent for the rest of today...

Damn It, Janet...

Good Afternoon, Fellow Humans;

Well, I said I was going to post some more autobiographical information, so here goes...

I moved from Bozeman, Montana to Seattle in September 1985 to attend the University of Washington (UW). I had been in Bozeman for about a year, after graduating from high school in Syracuse NY while living with my Dad. I had an Air Force ROTC scholarship to go to Boston University, but came flying (shrieking!) out of the closet during the spring of my senior year of HS and just couldn't see myself going back into the closet for 8 years, would have been impossible for me. I was a bold brat, let me tell you. My mom lived in Bozeman, and Dad (really my stepmonster {mirror, mirror, on the wall --- yeah, for real}) wanted me out of his house. So, I went to live with Mom for that year.

It was quite a year. You wouldn't believe how much queerness lurked beneath the surface in Montana during the mid 1980's! I had some of the wildest times of my life there. Fell in w/a bunch of punk fags and dykes and kind of terrorized the town. Once incident I want to relate is this; I moved w/my boyfriend Michael (there were a series of Michaels) from Bozeman to Helena in I think November of 84. On New Years Eve (84 into 85), we went to a local house party and I met ... Brian and Brian. These were two HS seniors who where hanging out w/the slightly older gay crowd in Helena (I was 18, I think they were 17). Well, Micheal and I took them home. Brian, Brian and I were in our room just talking, giggling like the teeny-boppers we were. We heard this CRASH from the front room! Went to it, and saw the dining area window broken. Looked out the window, and saw Michael 4 floors down on the street and ambulances coming. Aside: M and I lived on the 4th floor of the old Placer Hotel on Last Chance Gulch in downtown Helena (yup, that's the name of the street). The Ambulance took M away and the police took me and the Brians in for questioning. Apparently, someone said it looked like M had been pushed out the window! The cops questioned us all separately, and let us go. Thank God!

Anyway, Michael survived. He landed on the roof of a pick-up, then bounced on the hood, then landed on the pavement. This saved his life. He was hospitalized for months and needed a cane when he got out. I moved back home to Bozeman after this incident. We stayed friends and I helped him settle back into a place in Bozeman with a couple we were friends with. Last saw him years later in Florida in 1991. Hope he's okay! The Brians and I became friends and I visited them both a few times in Missoula where they moved after graduating. The would later end up in Seattle where we continued the party. More on that another time.

So, I moved to Seattle. I quickly fell in with a group of, hmmm, I guess you'd call them 'new wavers' and 'mods'? I went more for the mod look, skinny legged olive drab pants and black turtlenecks w/pea coats riding scooters, that kind of thing. I joined them going out every weekend (and sometimes during the week) to Skoochies and City Beat, two underage clubs at that time in Seattle. Many of my new friends were recent denizens of  'The Monastery', which I linked to an article about Wed. of this week I think. It closed just before I moved to Seattle, and though I was upset about it, it may have been for the best (for me). This place was housed in an old church and was officially a church or religious sanctuary. As I mentioned, it is mythic in Seattle's history among the disco/dance club crowd. Club life in Seattle was different, it truly felt like an extended family and it has colored my life in many ways. As my friend Jim Palmer said on a talk show about the closing of the Monastery, "We chose our family, and we are the world" or something close.

Hmmm, so much to say. I want to tell one more story today. I met a young woman named Janet at I believe City Beat, when I was 19 or 20; sometime in early 1987 I think. May have been somewhere else, I got a good fake ID and started going to Tugs in Belltown about this time. Janet had this amazing apartment near Volunteer Park. It was in a 20's building, as so many are in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It had rough textured plaster walls, beautiful tile work and light fixtures, and a lovely fireplace. The colors were all pretty pastels and she had an awesome collection of mid-century furniture. In front of the fireplace, she had a life sized statue of Jesus painted in pastels in the Mexican style, with his arms outstretched as if blessing a crowd. On either side of the Jesus were gold cages, each with a dove (or a pair of doves) in the gilt cages. On each of Jesus's hands were tinkerbelle fairy dolls hanging from the fingers. This gave the room an intense if rather odd ambiance.

Janet and I 'hung out' often for several months, into summer. I was life-guarding for the city that summer at Madrona Park on Lake Washington. Janet and I had - an encounter - during this time. I think that same day we went to the park and I took a few photos of her. I still have them, one of which I stuck in my Dad's bible years ago and it is still there. I never heard from her again after this day. It's so odd.  I ended up leaving Seattle a couple months later.

That's it for now...

Peace, Love, and Joy 2 ALL!

Xmas Lights and Song

Good Morning Fellow Humans!

I'm thinking on what I want to post today. It may be another trip down memory lane as I've been dwelling on my college days in Seattle this past week. So many great and weird memories...

In the meantime, here's a little Christmas Spirit for you by 'Book of Love':

Peace Love and Joy 2 ALL!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hey DJ!

Been travelling down memory lane visiting sites for the kiddie discos I used to go to in Seattle. Skoochies, City Beat, and ... the one I missed by only a matter of weeks, CHURCH - The Monastery. This place was actually a church officially, you had to join to get in the door. It is mythic in Seattle, closed down in I believe 1985.

In memory of these very formative places (for me and many others who attended), I post this song:

And here's a link about these three clubs...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Good Afternoon, once more - Fellow Humans;

I need to say this though I hesitate to.

It may already be too late. Much of what I've read and researched suggests as much, and much of this material was generated by people whom I deeply respect. 2030 seems to be a common end-date projection. I'd be 64 if I make it that long. My nephews and niece would be 34, 32, and 30.

I don't think this possibility should deter us though. What else can we do but try? However, the idea of our extinction is so unpleasant that I really can't blame people too much for (1) denying it and (2) ignoring it. There is a difference. Still, I implore those who are able to be aware - to ACT, to your ability to do so (I know this varies so much by circumstance, a young mother caring for babes can only 'rock her world' so much).

I think the most important thing any of us can do is to express our love to our partners (God I wish I had one), our families and friends, and on a larger scale; everyone. Try to keep that negative internal voice at bay (we all have them, I know I do!), replace it with your better/more loving voice. Know you'll fail on occasion. Just try again, continually. And be nice to people for Christ's sake! Feel free to insert the religious figure of your choice in place of Christ, or insert none at all! Funny how common cliches take on new meaning when the context is serious...

Peace, Love, and yes Joy to ALL!


A Carpenters Christmas

Many thanks to my good friend Jim Palmer of Los Angeles for reminding me about this! It's just a link to a you-tube video of an old Carpenters Christmas special song, that I recall from my childhood...


Peace, Love, and Joy to ALL!


What's going on?

Good Afternoon, Fellow Humans;

What, exactly, is going on here on Earth? Well, I don't know! Again, surprise surprise. However, I am willing to venture some guesses, so here goes...

I've come across some writers online who suggest that the elites/powers that be are pushing 'austerity' not because they believe it will 'fix' our economy, but because it will indeed slowly destroy it and bring the masses standard of living down along with the economies of the nations subject to 'austerity measures'. This is interesting, since it actually could achieve some of the same 'goals' of many of the environmental activists out there (me included) in a kind of mean/back-handed way. It is hard to imagine that the leaders of the 'super elite' (if they indeed exist) would truly not know about the gathering threats to our civilization. Do you really think all these CEO's and heads of international institutions don't know what's going on? I mean really, get a grip.

The missing ingredient in this forced take-down of our global 'civilization' is... you guessed it, LOVE! It's a cold, calculated methodology that doesn't care how it achieves its' goals. This goal seems to be the death and/or impoverishment of millions and perhaps billions of humans. Then I suppose the remaining humans, led by this same elite, can continue the game on a much smaller scale; continue the slow transformation of the Earth into God only knows what. Some weird techno vision of hell with a completely corrupted elite lording it over their grovelling slaves, perhaps? An anti-universe, based on chaos? Who knows, but I don't wish it!

I, for one, don't want the 'forced austerity' scenario to play out. At all! We humans do have free will. If enough of us can act together, we may be able to make the needed changes in a loving and humane way. This doesn't mean there will be no loss of life or suffering, though I fervently hope we can find a way to do this without it, but - I must be a realist. I, for one, volunteer to take some risks that may end in my death. Maybe I can start a campaign to encourage my fellow aging HIV positive gay men to start the 'dry-casking' of all the damned nuclear waste out there, there's one idea! We've got to get this 'crap' stabilized and put away before the Grid starts having issues, or we could lose a huge number of people and vast amounts of land. Shades of 'The Handmaid's Tale' (by Margaret Atwood) in that idea I know!

So, with the above thoughts in mind I'm going to link to another posting on Resilience by Mr. Dan Allen. I linked to him before; he is a High School chemistry teacher and organic/permaculture farmer. This is an amazing piece, please PLEASE read it:

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Return to Sanity? Nah, just some autobiography

Good Evening, Fellow Humans:

It's so odd looking back on the last few days. I can truly whip myself into a frenzy when I suppose I want to. I still stand by my points - I'm not backtracking on them at all. But... I realize there are as many points of view as there are humans on this planet. We, each and all of us, can learn a great deal from each-other. I think that's one of the reasons I link to other bloggers/writers who interest and inspire me so much.

I'm reasonably well read, but I dropped out of university and never did get my bachelor's degree. Too much acid, too many all night discos, too many men -- what can I say I was a party piggy as a young man - you might have been too if you THOUGHT you'd been given a death sentence. The man who gave me the results of my first HIV test told me 'about two years', when I asked him how long I had (here I am, 26 years later and fine). This was 1986 in Seattle, I was a freshman at the UW. I didn't tell a soul for a year, just kept it secret and tried to go on. I became increasingly messed up and ended up dropping out the 2nd semester of my sophomore year. I hung out through the summer, and then had a horrid guilt trip about lifeguarding with HIV and quit it, moved back home with Mom in Bozeman, Montana. Stayed there only a few months, then decided I wanted to go to RISD and become an interior architect (I always wanted to be an interior designer, this was a step up).

I caught a ride share back east, spent a month or so visiting family in upstate NY, then moved -- with $200 to my name, to Providence. Got off the train, spent one night with the girl I rode with's family. Next day, got a little job at a restaurant and rented a horrible tiny room for $50 a week in the 'tenderloin' of Providence. My God, was that a rude awakening! About the 3rd week there, I got very upset one day at work and pushed over a tray full of dishes and walked out (I'm not cut out to be a waiter, I find it extremely stressful). I never went back to that job! But, the next day I got a job as the assistant to the purchasing agent at a costume jewelry manufacturer. This one I held on to for a year! It was an old factory building, and I was tasked with weighing out 'findings' and hardware that made up the jewelry on an ancient ratio scale (gram weights in one cup, the items being weighed in the other). The 'jobs' would role in on a conveyor belt, I'd pull and weigh the parts the job card called for, put them in little paper bags, and send them back to production. It was a solitary job, I had my own space, and I kind of liked it!

During week four while living in the tiny room of terror, I met an older guy at a piano bar (Michael Windsor, said he was related to the House of Windsor. He had met Jackie Kennedy  - had pictures of them together at the compound on Cape Cod). He invited me to move in with him, and I gladly did! He had the 2nd floor of a house on the East Side (the nice side, near Brown and RISD). Lived with him for a year, and I did apply to RISD and I did get a full ride scholarship! Hmmm, my life.

I'll continue later. I'm going to link to another blog posting by Ran, this is one he wrote a long time ago and then went back and added new thoughts --- I found it helpful to me today.

Thoughts by Ran on Violence

The below link brings one to a dissection of the idea of  'violence'. Ran Prieur, as I've mentioned before, is a thinker I admire and I want to share this with you. Please, read it if you are at all interested. He makes several very wise points.

Peace, Love and Joy to All



Hello Again,

My sister and I were discussing our plans for the winter solstice this year, and she had the brilliant idea to get the entire family up and trek it the eight miles to Tybee Island (the beach town here in the Savannah area), and watch the Sun rise together. We all plan to hold hands and watch it rise over the horizon of the Atlantic. So, that's what we're going to do! Matt (brother-in-law) works at the Tybee IGA anyway, so he can just go onto work and we can head back to 'the island' (our neighborhood, Wilmington Island; in local lingo). 

I strongly encourage everyone out there to devise your own celebration of this day, 12/21/2012. Include your children, other family, interested neighbors/friends, even your pets! 

After all, this day is the dawning of the new age - The Age of Aquarius, isn't it? God I hope so... 

Good Morning Fellow Humans!

I'm going to link to a posting on another blog today, as I strongly suggest reading it. The blog is The Hipcrime Vocab and it's pretty darned good. This particular posting is specifically about two 'styles' of bosses, but is really about so much more than just that.

Read it, please, and judge for yourself:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A radio broadcast, from hell?

This is a Radio Ecoshock broadcast of a speech by Dr. Guy McPherson, in case you may be interested. It is a speech he made to the Bluegrass Bioneers in early November of this year.  Warning ... it is not optimistic, in the least:

More Music

One of my personal favorites, when I'm truly mad I think of them as my prophets.... Pet Shop Boys!

This track is 'More Than a Dream' from the album 'YES' from 2009:

Studying for our Finals

Good afternoon, once more;

I only want to add this. I think humanity is, right now, studying for our final exams. There will be many rewards and amazing new opportunities if we pass them. There will be decay and devolution toward extinction if we fail them. This is my instinctual feeling about all of this. I personally believe an intervention of some sort is possible if humanity 'passes' the tests.  I don't want to think of the other alternative...

Study Hard!
Peace and Love to All,


P.S. Do y'all think I'm stark raving crazy yet? I do sometimes, but sometimes I feel all too sane. Those are the times I truly get scared...

What are we facing?

Good Afternoon Fellow Humans,

What are we facing? Well, I don't know. Surprise, surprise. I can only offer you my thoughts and half-baked theories, perhaps my broadly but not specifically educated guesses.

The one over-riding theme I see recurring in almost everything I encounter during my online excursions is this:  Humanity needs to find a way to give-up its' obsession with wealth, status, and power and learn to truly love one-another - if we, as a race, are to make it much longer. All else, everything, follows from this, well, FACT; as far as I'm concerned. This is, obviously, not a new concept! It's as old as the hills and pretty much the same thing Jesus and I'm sure many other great teachers from our past have said. Yet here we are, still trying to learn the lesson.

I'm not saying that loving one-another will magically solve all of our problems. But, it can provide the needed foundation upon which to build a truly loving and sustainable community of Humanity. This true loving and acceptance of one-another is, I believe, the only foundation that can support humanity indefinitely. Other foundations will, sooner or later, fail.

I am truly concerned about what is going on with our environment at this time. The Arctic situation in particular has me nervous. Methane is an extremely potent greenhouse gas, and although it is short-lived (it breaks down to its' constituent elemental components quite rapidly); it does its' damage VERY quickly. From what I've read and know, the arctic is already thawing and methane is starting to spew into our atmosphere. This is a 'positive feedback loop' and is impossible to stop once it's begun. We may be able to slow it, but we may need to take some technological steps to do so (seeding the skies over the arctic to encourage cloud cover, for example - and it may not work). The implications of letting this go are truly frightening, and some research suggests it could make the earth unfit for human habitation (or any higher life-form) in an amazingly quick time. Imagine all the plankton in the sea dying, the ocean acidifying, and then an Anoxic Event occurring and the seas belching copious amounts of Hydrogen Sulfide instead of life giving Oxygen! It wouldn't take long to kill us all. Many researchers think a similar situation killed off the larger dinosaurs. Something did, and did it VERY QUICKLY!

The entire globalist/corporate/neoliberal market fundamentalist (that word I loathe again!) paradigm must go. Profit cannot be "GOD 1". Will it make more money for 'the company' cannot be the primary motivator of any 'company' out there. The first function of ANY human institution must become, 'will this help heal and bring humanity together'. All else must be secondary. We have so much work to do, oodles of it! A 'job' for anyone who is able to do anything!

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be" - Revelations 22:12

Human hubris knows no bounds. I'd like to believe the human 'heart' knows no bounds either. It is an awfully warm December in this part of the world. It's been an odd year throughout our world. Take Mother Nature's many hints - I think it's time to search our hearts and souls and prepare to change, each and all of us.

Enough for now...

Love Peace -- and JOY to ALL!

hopefully not the OmegaMan

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
- Revelations 22:13

And Now Another II

On second thought, loved ones, I WILL subject you to "People Are Still Having Sex". This is a late 80's/early 90's tune by the group LaTour. I used to love this cold techno shit as a young man and this one still has meaning for me. It's very much related to the HIV/AIDS paranoia of the time:

So, here 'tis:

Peace and Love 2 ALL - ; >))


And Now Another...

I won't subject you, loved ones, to "People are Still Having Sex", from whence the title of this post is derived. Instead, I'm going to subject you to some falsetto! Lou Christie's "Lightning Strikes":

Hit it Lou!

Peace and Love 2 All!


Love Comes Quickly

Still Percolating!

I want to share another song with you, 'Love Comes Quickly', one of Pet Shop's older tunes:

"Behold, I come quickly" - Revelations 22.7

Back in my little town

Hello Again,

Another song, for my mind is still percolating over several issues today...

This is Paul Simon's "My Little Town". This song has always haunted me. I grew up in Central and Northern New York State (we lived in and around Syracuse). My parents are from the Thousand Islands region (along the St. Lawrence river where it starts from Lake Ontario and forms the border between NYS and Ontario, Canada). These areas, in fact most of upstate (north of Westchester/Rockland counties which 'orbit'  Greater New York City economically) are chock full of dead and dying little towns. Most of the communities upstate are in varying degrees of decay. There are a few exceptions (Skaneateles, where we lived for a time; the more well-to-do suburbs of Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo; Saratoga Springs - you get the drift).

I'm sure many people who've grown up in the rust belt can relate (maybe I should have left it 'rest belt'!). And, unfortunately, much of the rest of our once great nation is in similar straits. It's quite depressing.

In tribute to all of these places, I post this song:

Peace and Love 2 All


P.S: I predict that upstate New York will be BACK one day, and be a 'bread basket' once again (it was one up to the 1890's you know). The Erie (Barge) Canal will be of real use once again!

New Mother Nature Takin' Over

Good Morning, Fellow Humans!

I'm working up a post for later today, but I want to post this song by the Guess Who, as a sort of --- hint:


Peace and Love 2 All


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oldies but Goodies (Pop Music)

Good Afternoon again,

Just posting some old songs I enjoy and that have significance for me...

The last one is Three Dog Night, 'Out in the Country'. That is where I wish I was right now...

Peace, and Love; 2 ALL


Anger evolves to regret

Good Afternoon, Fellow Humans;

I've given it a couple days since I got that mail from the attorney representing Citibank, and my anger has turned into sadness and regret. This fact does not change what I have to do, and I will follow my original timetable in regards to that. As for JFM, I'm sorry for him and I pray he will weather this to the best of his ability.

And, I will putting this issue to bed as far as this blog concerned.

Love 2 All,


Monday, December 3, 2012

The Patience of a Saint?

So, I've had yet another strange day. I received mail from a debt collecting attorney regarding a citibank credit card that I'm being taken to court for (Dec. 17th). I thought this credit card was one my ex-partner James had procured without my knowledge in 1994 on which we stopped paying in I think late 1995 and which was charged off in late 96 or 97. I was upset about this (and others he did the same thing with), but let it go and rode it out. He dealt with the collectors, I really had no idea what exactly was going on. I did find it odd that they would come after me so many years later, but was prepared to go to court and find out what was going on. In hindsight, I was pretty stupid about it. Silly Faggot, Credit is for Hetero's!

So, I receive today's mail, and I soon discover that James (whom I left in 2004{he left me actually, sold our house out from under me and took most of the profits - my name wasn't on it so I had no recourse}) had procured yet another citibank credit card in my name, charged up nearly $7,000 on it, and then stopped paying on it. I had absolutely no idea. I have contacted his sister and demanded the full amount in certified funds by this Friday 12/07 plus $2,000 for my aggravation, or I will file theft of identity charges with the local police department in question. I have already spoken to the attorney and the police, and I will do this unless I receive the funds by 12/07. I have no choice. I'll be damned if I will serve a day in jail or pay a dime (which I don't have, btw) of this debt. I did not incur it, period.

He's lying in a bed in a nursing home in St. Petersburg, Florida. He can't walk, He has end stage Parkinson's Disease, and I don't care. Am I a cruel and heartless person? I don't think so. He is a con artist and a thief, and he screwed me over one too many times. He can ROT.

Enough about that, just wanted to clue any readers out there into why I may be in a ... rather intense mood.

So, I'm going to link now to a song from the 1990's by "Electronic" entitled, I believe, 'Patience of a Saint'. Then, I will continue...

Patience may be a virtue, but it doesn't seem to be one of mine. But, I wonder... I've put up with quite a lot of crap from various people in my life. Far too much, actually. In retrospect, I didn't do them any favors by 'putting up with it'. I think I hurt them, actually. I never meant to, but it is the end effect that I see. I should have long ago stood up to my ex and told him like it is. Instead, I let him get away with this crap for so long that this ended up happening. Oh well, he should not have done this and I will not feel guilty about it. I would NEVER do this to ANYONE, and he did it as habit, and more, and to others as well. Just Desserts, JFM.

It's funny, considering I linked just last night to a piece analyzing Jesus's 'turning of the other cheek' quote. Translated correctly, he was referring to turning a cheek to the 'slapper' that he (the slapper) could not hit lest he debase himself by using his 'unlcean' hand (people were way messed up back then, maybe even more than us!). I think the other option was that the 'slapper' could instead hit said person with a closed fist; but that this implied the slapper and slapee were 'peers', equals; and that would be well just too much! It was quite revolutionary of Jesus really, in his place and time.

So, guess I'm opting out of the 'turning the other cheek' thing this time around. I've had it, I leave JFM to the jaws of Mammon, whom he has worshiped for so long. May it have mercy on his soul...

Do I have a lot to say? Yes!

But, you'll have to wait a few moments since I have several things I need to do first. Don't hold your breathe. I will be posting later this evening...

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I'm sorry, but the situation described in the above link only serves to illustrate  how patently absurd all of our religions are. Every last one of them, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!, are utter crap. They serve as control mechanisms for certain self-appointed elites, enabling said elites to silence anyone who questions the crap they insist on shoving down our collective throat.

I don't know how to describe how much I loathe all religions. I am a very spiritual person. I was raised in the USA. I can relate, very closely, to what Jesus supposedly said and taught (see the link I post later, it's cool). But, I cannot hold with what has been done in religions' names throughout history. I suppose one must accept their role(s) in shaping our culture, but I want them all to be, point blank, ELIMINATED! They are holding humanity back, they are counterproductive, they are .... DEAD. In the words of REM, we need a new religion. But, I would say we do not need a/any religion at all, we need an enlarged spiritual/universal awareness. We won't be able to get it, collectively, until we jettison this crap! All of it! ALL OF IT!

Just my rant, just my opinion, I suppose...


Last night the hopelessness that was coming over me took full hold. I could not get out of my head the thought that the world would be better off with me dead. I'm still not convinced this isn't true, but I'm not feeling so suicidal today.

I have to wonder why this happens to me so frequently. These feelings often arise when I'm transitioning from  mania to depressed states. If this is what's happening now, it is the quickest 'switch' I've experienced to date. Not sure, I'm not quite depressed but I feel completely different than I did just a few days ago. I've been taking my increased lithium regularly, so maybe I'm just feeling relatively 'normal' and don't quite know how to handle it; completely possible since it's been so long (years) since I recall feeling anything near 'normal'.

The way I feel, my emotions, have no effect on the facts that I see staring me (and all of us) in the face. Just because I'm in a certain mood does not change reality (does it?). I'm not going to go into that at this time. I've been posting on facebook and preaching on this blog enough for everyone I'm quite sure.

So, where do I go from here? I'm bored, so completely bored. Does this society truly have no use for me? Am I, at the end of the day, actually excess and idle? Should I just shut up and give up? I hear the fucking football in the background, the TV sound invading my sort of private space in the front room. I watch the occasional football game, but I can't understand why my fellow Americans are so obsessed with it. Why? It's boring, nothing much happens, it's mostly flags/penalties/standing around/posturing. It's much like our society; wasted energy, wasted effort, meaningless crap everywhere. ... There I go preaching again.

I've never felt, well --- human. I never have been able to understand you, your drives, your passions, your interests. I feel like an alien placed here to puzzle you out, to make some sense of you. I'm not sure I can. Maybe I've been placed here to merely "Observe and Report" (loved that film, by the way: "Mom, did you finally give up drinking?" "No, silly, I switched to beer!").

I just want to rest, in a neutral space, for a very long time. I don't want to 'be' for a time. I'm tired of it.

and that's the way it is, for me, December 2nd, 2012.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A bit of prophecy?

Happy Saturday, fellow humans;

Well, I've been reading the essays of Ran Prieur most of this day and am quite intrigued. Go to his site if you wish to read them; I do feel they are worth it for those who dwell on issues such as the collapse of civilization. He wrote one essay titled "Arno-geddon" in 2003 that discusses the fascistic implications of the election of 'the Arnold' as Governor of California. Old News? Perhaps, but he then discusses the speech that Jimmy Carter did in 1979 that sealed the fate of his presidency. It's quite odd reading it after all these years, for one soon realizes America made the incorrect choice. It's a bit of a shame, but as Ran says; was likely inevitable.

I found the final two paragraphs of this piece especially prescient. Read them and see if you agree!