Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back and Empty

Not really empty, but burned through the many thoughts I had today. I'll keep tapping away and see if I can recapture some  of them. .....................

Hmmmmm, let us see. Sing a Song, there we go. I just finished helping my sister and her family move in to a very nice circa 1967 or 1968 ranch this past weekend. Very 'bewitched', modernist w/weird colonial details and some cool ironwork (many Savannah area homes, even the most standard contractor built crap, have cool iron work on them somewhere). Listened to the Carpenters album 'The Singles, 1969-1973' with my niece Abby today. She immediately recognized 'Sing a Song', as she had sung it in her chorus class a few years ago. "Sing, sing a song .... Don't worry about how good it is for any one else to hear, just sing, sing a song." You know the one, if you are of a certain age and not totally clueless and of course western! It was poignant,  and odd. To be in a home so reminiscent of the era and singing the music of the time --- such an oddly hopeful time, despite the Vietnam War.  A time when many people still believed a better future was possible, truly. So very different from now. I very much enjoyed sharing these good memories and feelings with my niece. She, and all children, deserve some positive energy directed their way. I had many more thought streams going, but the only place I'm 'going' now is to bed. Maybe I'll post more tomorrow. Maybe I won't.

Good Night All!


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