Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Fucking Solutions and all that...

I think the best thing humanity could do, right now, to help some number of them to survive through this fucking nightmare we have created is.... to reduce their numbers now.

I think everyone over say 75 should voluntarily commit suicide now. Especially elderly 1st worlders, who use so many resources. Do the youth a favor and eliminate your selves.

I think all people of child bearing age should have to enter a lottery to determine if you get to reproduce or not.  This lottery should be designed to encourage the ultimate genetic diversity with the fewest numbers of new humans. If we could accelerate the death rate and greatly reduce the birth rate in a humane way, we could quite quickly reduce our number to a manageable level.  I hate to be harsh, but I think this is the necessary path - there are far too many of us. I, of course, will volunteer to die now ---- for I am done and have had quite enough, thank you very much.

So sorry.

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