Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Business as Usual...

Many of you may recall seeing this past week various blurbs on the mainstream news networks about how the good old United States is set to outpace Russia and Saudi Arabia as the largest oil/gas producer on the planet in the next few years. (!) Good News, Right? Jobs, Cheap Gasoline, Happy Motoring to continue, let the sprawl sprawl ever further and forever wider! We're number one! MORE TO COME! STAY TUNED!

My dear fellow humans, this may be true; but it is anything but good news. Unfortunately, this attitude will only make transitioning to renewable energy sources that much more difficult. It will encourage more years of pumping yet more CO2 and Methane into our atmosphere. It will only hasten the inevitable, make it all happen that much faster.

The attitudes expressed by the MSM and many people I meet leave me feeling --- hopeless. I'm not sure we'll be able to pull out of this dive in time, it may already be too late. My therapist Danny Beam (from a year ago or so) was very interested in what I had to say about 12/21/2012. I told him that I thought nothing of note would appear to happen on this day, but that the day was the final tipping point. The 'point in time' when the real powers that be in our universe will decide whether the human experiment gets to continue, or would be wound down and ended (could take a few or even several hundred years - years of ever increasing misery for humanity, ending in our extinction).

So, one more time; I implore you. Find time to meditate/pray/commune with nature on 12/21/2012. Get the 'software' upgrade! Take it to heart! We must tip the right way! Please, please humanity. Do this!

Here's a link to an excellent article by Michael T Klare regarding the IEA Report:


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