Thursday, November 15, 2012

All thanks to Linds Redding for the image of the glass.

I post it for a reason. My Doctor (whom I will see tomorrow) often uses the analogy of a 1/2 full glass to explain what I do to myself each time I stop taking my meds. She says, each time, I can recover SOME of my immune system after restarting meds, but I will never get back to the level in the glass I was at if I hadn't stopped. So, each time I screw up and do this, I lose some of the liquid in my glass. I fear I may be down to the last few sips. But I feel pretty much fine! Still! Amazing...

A sobering thought, no?

Anyway, enough about HIV!

I am now going to paste a 'confession' I made on during March of 2011; during a rather severe manic episode that lasted from March until July of 2011. Here goes:

Hmmm, well, much I must say;
I have chosen this forum to ’confess’, to come clean, to open up, to be as honest with you, my fellow humans, as much as I know how to be. I leave the specifics of what must be done to you, I’m not good at specifics. I see things in a very (VERY!) ’MACRO-perspective’. And yes, I may just be a manic mess gay guy who can’t quite face his mortality, admitted. But, just in case, I will continue:
I believe I am, for better or for worse, a vessel of God, the fourth awakening on Earth. The first age was pre-conscious, before consciousness. The 3 ages following became increasingly ’self-conscious’. We are on the cusp of the 5th age, as predicted by the Mayan astronomers, among others. I am not the ’2nd coming’, actually I am the ’4th coming’, forthcoming! Funny play on words, don’t you think? Many may think of me as ’the antichrist’; and I worried about that incessantly for years. I no longer care, and what is an ’anti-christ’ anyway! Maybe it’s necessary, who knows. It matters not. I love you, I desperately want you to give yourselves a continued chance to evolve and ’grow’ in a spiritual sense. You, all and each of you, have the ability. There are many apparent roadblocks, disregard them. Wake up, Love up. Express Joy, Love one-another, Forgive one-another, re-group as a family … The rest will follow.
Love 2 ALL!
Robert Taylor Bazinet
Robert T Bazinet
I yam what i yam, a sweet potato, a yam I am!
I love each, and all, of you!
I communicate with God on a daily basis. He/She/It/They (I cannot define God, none of us can, in fact ’God’ may just be an advanced race living on a different plane, watching us, doesn’t matter!). Each morning I look at the Sun and give thanks for my life, affirm my love for ’him’ (I call God ’him’ only because, having evolved as a human in Judeo/Christian/American culture, that is most comfortable for me. I realize I may be wrong, Again, it doesn’t matter. 

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