The can of worms has been opened, by the governor of Indiana Mike Pence. This is how fascism will be written into law in the USA. Take a look at this summary of the laws implemented by the Nazi's between 1933 and 1939 here . If this law isn't challenged and nullified by the courts, you can expect more of them, in more states, to start appearing soon.
The logical extensions of laws such as this one, supposedly defending the religious freedom of Christian business people, are many. Imagine if the Jewish and Muslim members of our communities decided to follow the law, for one. You are Christian, get out of my shop. Jews only in our shop. How do we then identify who is who? Shall we wear pins identifying which sub-group one belongs to? A pink triangle, perhaps? What of mistaken identity? A man who may come across as a bit effeminate but has only had sexual relations with one woman, his wife, and lives to be a good Dad to his daughters - gets tossed out of a 'Christian' mechanics office. Does he have any legal recourse?
Worms, worms, worms... We don't want this, do we? Ask yourself this question and consider, very carefully, your answer.
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