Friday, June 26, 2015

This Momentous Day

Good Morning,

First, I must thank Dean Koontz for the title inspiration. I recently re-read 'From the Corner of his Eye' and it uses this phrase as an important plot point, among other things.

I do consider, well now it's yesterday; to have been a momentous day. The SCOTUS sided with humanity for a change, instead of corporations or institutions. It read the 14th amendment broadly, without regard to gender, and rendered I believe the correct decision. I am glad, and thankful, that it did.

President Obama read the eulogy for the Reverend Clementa Pinckney, and I was moved. I thought his use of the term "Original Sin of our Nation" when discussing slavery was, again, correct. To me at least. I am happy to see some of the states remove the confederate flag from their properties, and some  retailers suspending sales of it and related merchandise.

These are good things, all of them. Little more than a week after the terror inducing murders in Charleston, it does renew my faith a bit to see some progress made. Seeing the invective and tantrums flinging everywhere from the far right is not so reassuring, but is of course expected. My concern though, again, is the process of scapegoating; of laying blame - that continues.

You may have read some of the articles about scientists determining that the planet is indeed entering a sixth mass extinction. You may have read that Homo-Sapiens (that's us!) are on the list of threatened species. The Christian Far Right has said for years that same-sex marriage will 'bring down civilization'. I fear the radical right may mix this all up into a fearful brew, and I truly do worry for the survival of our union, and indeed our nation. Whether any of it matters, whether humanity will even make if another 100 years regardless of what we do or don't do, weighs on my mind almost constantly.

I know this, it isn't 'gay marriage' that will bring down humanity. It's that old bug-a-boo MAMMON!
And Damn IT for messing up what should have been a wonderful day, for me.

Go ahead and keep celebrating - I'll sit up and stew about this for bit. I mean this... Don't mind me, just clearing my head.

Love 2 All, and 2 All a Good Rest, for it's early AM and I am too bed

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pulling back from my brink

Well, my few dear readers out there; hope I didn't freak anyone out too much. No, I'm not going to commit suicide anytime soon - I  hope. I found my myself quite depressed the last few days, and then today I went into some sort of rapid cycling where I'm on the floor crying about the fate of humanity on minute, then talking to myself working out ideas, then crying on the floor again,  then exhausted. Phew, it's just ... exhausting.

Anyway, about the voluntary suicide of the elderly thing ---- I do mean voluntary, and it would at best maybe give us a small knock down in global population ---- but I don't expect it to happen and am not sure I'd even want it to.

As for getting a handle on new births? Well, I think it's essential but the best we can do for now is empower women, give them autonomy over their bodies,  and provide access to effective birth control. Anyone familiar with this issue knows the consensus is that this is the best humane way. It's all pie in the sky anyway...

The whole reason I say this is that I am hugely, deeply concerned about the fate of humanity. I truly am concerned that we are on the verge of effective extinction - and I can't bear the thought. Billions of years of evolution have brought us to this point. We can't fail! But, I'm afraid we can fail, actually. It terrifies me, more than anything.

Please forgive me if I offend, for that is not my intention.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Fucking Solutions and all that...

I think the best thing humanity could do, right now, to help some number of them to survive through this fucking nightmare we have created is.... to reduce their numbers now.

I think everyone over say 75 should voluntarily commit suicide now. Especially elderly 1st worlders, who use so many resources. Do the youth a favor and eliminate your selves.

I think all people of child bearing age should have to enter a lottery to determine if you get to reproduce or not.  This lottery should be designed to encourage the ultimate genetic diversity with the fewest numbers of new humans. If we could accelerate the death rate and greatly reduce the birth rate in a humane way, we could quite quickly reduce our number to a manageable level.  I hate to be harsh, but I think this is the necessary path - there are far too many of us. I, of course, will volunteer to die now ---- for I am done and have had quite enough, thank you very much.

So sorry.

Not Yet! But, Soon...

I came around to tear your little world apart, and to break your soul apart. How sweet, these lyrics from Shirley Manson, Garbage.

I don't know what to think. I truly don't.

I just want to end. me. I don't want to exist anymore, for I think I am highly toxic. Guess I'll sleep on it tonight. But, I do feel like it would be best for the world if I just ceased to be.

Clap your hands! Everybody dance. Clap your hands, for I will soon be gone! Thank fucking god.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

You name it, I can't.

Democracy. One man, one vote. I suppose it's an ideal, but it certainly hasn't been met to date. With all the freaking manipulations of any said 'district', what is one to think? Are we a representative democracy? Do we even remotely resemble one?

No. Not at all.

Therefore, I do not accept any legitimacy to our so called government. I think it's well past time to take the advice of the preamble and dissolve our current government and establish a new one. It is our right, specified in our Constitution, right?

I don't feel the need to say any more. It is time. IT IS TIME! It is beyond time...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Worms of Fascism

The can of worms has been opened, by the governor of Indiana Mike Pence. This is how fascism will be written into law in the USA. Take a look at this summary of the laws implemented by the Nazi's between 1933 and 1939 here . If this law isn't challenged and nullified by the courts, you can expect more of them, in more states, to start appearing soon.

The logical extensions of laws such as this one, supposedly defending the religious freedom of Christian business people, are many. Imagine if the Jewish and Muslim members of our communities decided to follow the law, for  one. You are Christian, get out of my shop. Jews only in our shop. How do we then identify who is who? Shall we wear pins identifying which sub-group one belongs to? A pink triangle,  perhaps? What of mistaken identity? A man who may come across as a bit effeminate but has only had sexual relations with one  woman, his wife, and lives to be a good Dad to his daughters - gets tossed out of a 'Christian' mechanics office. Does he have any legal  recourse?

Worms, worms, worms... We don't want this, do we? Ask yourself this question and consider, very carefully, your answer.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dominionists, Fundamentalists - Yuck.

Been a long while since I wrote anything here. Not really sure why exactly, beyond I didn't think I  had anything worthwhile to say (or couldn't hold it in my head long enough to get on blogger).

If you follow American Politics at all, I'm sure you've heard about Ted Cruz beating the other Republicans to the punch to be the first to declare his candidacy. He announced at Liberty University, the USA's largest Christian University and a center of Christian Dominionism. Not sure it's a word; if not I'm making it one.

As a reminder, I have a loathing for religious fundamentalism, of  any stripe. The Dominionists qualify in my book as fundamentalists, and the most dangerous type at that. I'm not kidding here. Look at the power this minority of Americans has amassed in several southern states and in rural areas of most of the rest of the nation. I'm not necessarily accusing the  residents of these areas of  anything, but I AM accusing the upper echelon of the Dominionist leadership of several things. Treason, for one. The people who shout about a 'Christian Nation', the ones who mutilate our history curriculums removing anything they don't like or find uncomfortable (Civil Rights, Watergate, the ERA, the EPA, and so on - do you hear  me Texas?); they don't understand even the idea of America!

I'll be the first to admit that America is nowhere near achieving its' ideals, but this is not the path to such a state - I promise. Guess I should explain my idea of America. It's a place where anyone, from anywhere, of any faith, of any ethnicity can come and learn about our country and if they so choose, take a pledge (and a test) to honor and defend our Constitution and become a Citizen of the USA. It is a place where no individual or institution can compel another individual to believe in any specific religion or belief system against their will. Period. You know, freedom of religion. It's a place where one can speak ones mind, as long as one doesn't speak harmful lies or encourage bodily harm to another. If there's a kernel of truth to what one is going to say, go ahead - if you dare!

It's also  a place that is failing, in so many ways,  right now.  These times are full of existential challenges for all humanity, each and all. There is so much we could do. There is so much holding us back. There is already great calamity, and more is going to come. Much of this, unfortunately, is already 'baked in the cake'. Still, we should be working on stopping the harm. Finish baking so to speak.  Try something new, perhaps?

Please, US Citizens, don't vote for Cruz. If you're asking me, I'd vote for Warren, Sanders, or Stein. Or, maybe someone truly new and different? Would that not be refreshing!

Love 2 Each and All...