Saturday, June 29, 2013

For JFM -

Good Morning from Savannah, Georgia, USA; Earth - Milky Way, our quadrant of our universe, and ???:

This is the album version of the Pet Shop Boys track 'Axis' from their new album 'Electronic' due out 7/15/2013.  James would have loved this, and he may have known about it - not sure. Tech out my friend, R.I.P. or, whatever, just do it in peace!

Friday, June 28, 2013

It's so uncold...

One of the best songs by New Order, IMHO... Thieves Like Us:

Together again...

Yup, I'm a sappy old fool. I don't care...

Listen, and learn; please!

Here's the thing!

Good Day, fellow humans!

Here's the thing. If we are indeed alone in our universe, and if we are indeed faced with near-term extinction; maybe it is UP TO US to CREATE a platform for our afterlife. Maybe that platform will be what we know/ think of as AI (Artificial Intelligence). Think about it, we did come out of nature - 'it' made us somehow. The Earth is finite, sooner or later it will not be habitable by any flesh and blood creature. Perhaps this is all meant to be? I guess our universe is finite too, but on a much larger timescale. I withdraw all of my previous objections to the development of AI ---- we should embark on it NOW! I suppose many of us have, and good! Keep it up, because we may need that platform. I don't want to give in, I don't want to give up, I don't want capitulation. I want our ideas and thoughts and dreams and art and music to go on ---- forever! And, if we need to shove it all in some electronic box or bio-geezawhatsit thingamajig -- so what, SO BE IT!

That's all folks,

NotOmegaMan (okay, well maybe the omega of flesh and blood man, but I myself said 'we inhabit your electronica' - maybe I meant US!)

And now another side of the coin...

Good Day again, fellow humans:

Just want to link to the ArchDruid's weekly posting, for he as usual takes a more nuanced and balanced view of history and puts some of my more hysterical fears if not to rest, at least on the back burner simmering away. Negative feedback loops anyone?

I'd kind of like to see John Michael and Guy in the same room battling it out. Maybe they have? I don't know...

Just, let it be! Something, anything; just BE!

G'day mates...

Capitulation: Giving in, Giving up - Is it time?

Good Day, Fellow Humans:

As I work my way through this latest journey on the downside of the depressive side of the bi-polar wave, I - of course - have been reading again from Guy McPherson's blog 'Nature Bats Last'. Many 'guest posters' there have been writing about the acceptance of near-term extinction (NTE) and all that this process could entail. It's not a subject I recommend for the faint-of-heart, but if you truly are a tough old bird I suppose it may give you some empty GM food for thought.

So many of the tipping points appear to have been crossed; 400ppm concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere, the melting of the arctic, antarctic, Greenland, many glaciers, the growth of methane seeps in the continental shelf off of Siberia (methane at 1800ppm at latest? more than in 400,000 years I think), continued acidification of our oceans, the wackiness of the jet-stream, the reversing/ceasing of thermohaline currents in the north Atlantic --- the list seems endless. Guy seems quite sure that humanity will be all but gone in a mere 17 years or so, by 2030 - especially in the northern hemisphere (a few laggards may hang on in parts of the global south for a bit, perhaps).

And yet, humanity carries on. People still have children, buy homes (well, some of us), and generally commit and continue -- keeping the faith as I myself have so often encouraged. I wonder if I may be mistaken in encouraging this. Keep calm and carry on, right? I'm not so sure today. I actually cannot fathom why people would deliberately bring a child into this world now, at this point in time. That isn't to say seeing a young child's face doesn't bring a big grin to my face. I do recall this past mother's day walking my dog and passing by a young mother and her friend/sister getting triplets (yes, all three of them) out of the car (an undertaking in itself I'm sure) - and I shouted out a hearty 'Happy Mother's Day' to her; which she replied to with an equally heartfelt 'Thank you!'. Do I want her to interrupt her busy day to check out Guy's blog? I think not. But what do those of us whom are aware (or may become so soon) do? Well, Daniel A. Drumright posited in his  essay 'The irreconcilable acceptance of near-term extinction ' that perhaps we should all develop contingency suicide plans - to be put into action at the time of our choosing. It does beat thirsting to death under the beating sun in a 100+ degree wet-bulb temperature hell on earth or beating slaughtered by a bunch of ravenous once human cannibals. Yuk, who even wants to think it? Well, Hollywood does so I suppose the ideas inherent to this meme do hold a macabre fascination for people. Scares me to death (well, almost).

So, as we watch our institutions turn on us all; as we witness a totalitarian police state take shape, as the gates to the FEMA camps start to creak open, as more and more of us slip through the gaping holes in the tatters of our 'safety net', what does one do? I'm thinking of making some room for the rest of you all - clearing the air just a teeny tiny bit. I of course beg for intervention from beyond, but that's pie in the sky...

Here's a link to Guy's blog for you masochists out there:

And, here's a link to an old favorite from my days of dancing to the 'rolling death noise' in Seattle. Maybe we all knew it all along... World Destruction!

Goodbye for now


Friday, June 21, 2013

What to do?

Good Day, Fellow Humans;

I actually open this posting not knowing what I intend to say. I'll start with this; I've been cycling way down lately and am in a kind of agoraphobic limbo. I hate to leave the apartment. I have to force myself to go anywhere. It's the polar opposite of the way I've been feeling and behaving for several months now; hence my diagnoses of 'Bi-polar' I suppose.

All the stuff I've posted on this thing - I don't even recognize it in this state of mind. It's almost as if this is kind of a return to sanity, but one that will still - in the end - drive me insane. Everything I see in our world seems to be pointing in one direction - disease, disaster, decay, death. It's not easy living with no hope. "Oh, you're just depressed Rob, you'll snap out of it." How many times have I heard that? I suppose I will, but how many times can I go through this cycle before I just burn up/stroke out/truly lose it? There are no answers...

I think I'll take Maxine out for a walk and see what else I can come up with.

Okay, so I did that. Feel a bit better, talked to my neighbor Susan for a bit. I think this 'limbo' I'm feeling is mainly due to waiting 2+ years to hear whether or not I'll get SSDI. I had my hearing on May 16th, and was told today by my advocate that the judge has issued his decision, that it is 'being written', and that I should have it within 30 days or so. Yet another 30 day window. It's the waiting that's killing me - if I have to get a job I'll try my darndest --- but it's not easy as a 47 year old HIV positive male with a commanding voice who has a temper and can scare the bejesus out of people when it takes over. And take over it does, trust me. And, most of the 'work' out there is bullshit anyway - I can see through most things and most things that pay more than a pittance aren't worth doing that I see; they are in fact HARMFUL to humanity. I wouldn't mind cashiering in a little shop or something, but I'll still be dependent on public assistance for health care. I don't think a cushy position with full benefits is waiting for me out there, I mean really. Excess and Idle am I! Are you?

I want to add this; I know a 'job' is not any kind of solution for me. I just need a way to sustain myself while I work on my actual work. I do have several ideas of what this 'work' may entail, but I have to get to a place where I can actually 'produce', and where I'm at now is NOT it. I need to be in the west with my love Brian, all things will lead from there. F'ing SS is holding me up and that's what has got me so down and, deep down, PROFOUNDLY PISSED OFF! If you want what's in my mind, usgovt, you'll have to PAY ME FOR IT first!