Friday, March 22, 2013

Don't forget your Mother

In most of our societies currently, on our lovely Earth, patriarchy rules. I said most, not all. Certainly here in the good old USA, western Europe, and the Muslim world it does.

All the thoughts and prayers to many of our various interpretations of God/Allah/Jehovah whatever/whichever give short shrift to our Mother Earth. I think this is a serious omission and a sign of how out-of-balance our world has been for some time.

Next time you are praying/meditating/thinking --- please, don't forget to include our Mother Earth in these mental actions. She so deserves our thanks, and needs - desperately - our love and respect.

On this note, I'm going to link to an old favorite; Depeche Mode's 'Get the Balance Right':

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Worth It

Good Evening

Good Things.2

Good Evening, Fellow Humans:

Endearments. Think of them; dear, honey, hon, sweetie, pudding-pie, love... there are so many endearments we use in our conversations with our fellow humans. I have found, in my life experience, that using endearments with people you come into contact with often in your daily life helps foster good feelings, good cheer, a stronger sense of community, and just a more 'smiley' world. I often walk down the street to a little, privately owned convenience store around the block called the 'Jay-Ram' (it's a black thing, Savannah being a chocolate place overall). We only moved in here a month ago, but I have already established very nice/good relationships with all the clerks (one of whom is likely the owner, an Indian man I believe). I share endearments with them, and they return in kind, and it makes buying a sixer or a pack of smokes a pleasant experience.

Please, people --- use endearments more frequently, as much as you can deem appropriate. If a clerk or post-person, or anybody you come in contact with, seems worthy -- call them dear or darling or something. It helps! I promise!

Love, Peace, Joy - to ALL


Edit, 3/17/2013: I want to add, obviously, that one must make allowances for gender differences and cultural norms. I don't say 'thanks dear' to a male clerk, but I will to a female one. W/the guys, I'll say 'thanks man' or 'thanks dude' or just a bright/cheery 'Thanks!'. I am so compulsive...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Good Things.1

Good Morning, Fellow Humans;

I was thinking about music lyrics (really? you're kidding!) and I thought about this old rhyming tune that I'm sure most of you are familiar with. I think it's simply the most meaningful, true, relevant lyric ever written in English. Here it is (drum-roll, please):

Row, row, row your boat; gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily merrily; life is but a dream. 

That's all folks! (Thanks, Warner Bros.)

Peace, Love, Joy to ALL


Friday, March 15, 2013

A memory returned

Good Evening, Fellow Humans:

I know I haven't put much on here of late. I have a lot (tons!) going on and I just haven't made the time. I will try to correct that during the coming weeks as I feel things may be settling down for me personally.

I was out pacing and smoking on the screened in porch of Mom and my's new apartment, and a memory from 1988 returned to me. This is a very special recollection, one that I have told in stories to 'receptive' listeners several times over the years; but that I had not thought of for some time.

In the fall of 1988, my Mom divorced her husband of 11 years Paul. Paul and Mom had been living in Bozeman, Montana (I refer to Bozeman in a couple of prior posts --- we called it the 'Bozone'). I flew from Providence RI where I was attending RISD to help my Mom move across country with her best friend Peggy St. Peter. Peggy and Mom were moving to Washington DC where Peggy had just been transferred with the US Forest Service, and where Mom would re-start her life as a single woman (for the 1st time since her college years). It was a fun trip and once in DC, Mom let me take her Honda Civic (great cars, and this from one who curses 'infernal combustion engines'!) back to Providence for a couple weeks since she had the Metro and Peggy's car.

Well, two weeks passed and it was time to drive Mom's Civic back to DC. I left Providence late on a Friday and as I approached NYC on I-95, I saw signs for the Cross-Bronx Expressway. It was 3:30 in the morning. I then saw signs for the Merritt Parkway (?)/Tappan Zee Bridge. Thought about it for a minute, and decided it would be wiser to take the Tappan Zee and go down the Jersey Turnpike. Exited I-95 a bit later, then I came upon this large battle-ship gray 18-wheeler with, no joke, "G.O.D." printed in huge block letters on the back gate, the mud flaps, and on the side (I passed it). Beneath the GOD it said, "Guaranteed Overnight Delivery". I, well, was amazed and elated. I thought of myself as an atheist at this time, but I think this moment is when that changed for me. I, as promised, made it safely to DC early that morning. I often wonder what would have happened had I chosen to take the Cross Bronx instead.

Makes you think, eh?


Monday, March 4, 2013


Good Evening Fellow Humans, and whomever else may be PAYING ATTENTION!

I've been thinking about, well, the entire nature of our supposed reality. I think we may, all of us here in this 3rd dimensional earthly reality, be (so to speak) contestants/participants of a giant 'reality show'. It's a big drama, and our whole universe is watching, waiting to see what humanity will do next!

Will they blow themselves up in a nuclear armageddon. Will they slowly wither away as their planet heats up, like frogs in a pot. Will they finally figure out how to truly cooperate, form communities again, and live together in some semblance of peace and harmony?

What do you think will happen? Well, we supposedly have free will, or some illusion of it; and it is UP TO US which way we go. I do personally feel that we have crossed a tipping point (2012 solstice), and that we 'tipped' the right way. It may not seem so, but I sense a certain relief in the cosmic consciousness - a calming and slowing of things that is good and positive.

Let us hope it is so!

God (whatever she/he/it/they may be) Bless Us All!

Love, Peace, Joy to ALL!