Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Project?

Good Morning All,

This is a link to Pet Shop Boys 'Integral'. Upon first hearing this song, I kind of liked it. I'm sure most don't, but 'we know who we are', do we not? So... after listening to it over the years; It has come to frighten me. Why, do you think?

Nine Billion - and counting?

Good Morning All,

Okay, let's play a game! I'll start by proposing (whoa... almost chose a WAY more loaded word!)
the Next Big End of the World thing. So... here goes:

One of Arthur C Clarke's stories is  1957's 'The Nine Billion Names of God'  -Wikipedia link .

To paraphrase, Tibetan monks contract w/some computer consultants who greatly speed up the monks ability to calculate the nine-billion names of God (in names of nine or fewer characters only). Once the contractors are finished, the 'Westerners', as the computer guys are called, ride off on horseback to civilization. The stars start going out. It made an impression on me as a child. Thinking about it, I of course started to think what will happen when nine billion human souls are on Earth. I make the illogical, and not-so, assumptions/extensions/projections and think, maybe this might be IT?

But this is just another game, another tidbit of history and culture; posing as something more than it is.

So. never mind. Carry-On My Loves!


Uggh, just thought of Herman Cain and '999' ! Maybe that's how it gets in the meme, hmmmm.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gifts and Gratitude...

Happy Noon (US EST), Everyone!

Well, I haven't said much on here of late. Been recovering, doing fine. I'm quite at peace for the most part this week. Been thinking a lot though. 

The future is coming my friends, and though it may seem very strange; I think it will end up being kind of wonderful  - on a much smaller and more local scale. The current paradigm is dying, and it is of course lashing out as it experiences its' own death. Expect much chaos, confusion, and --- unfortunately, much tragedy. All the drama, jeez. It's unavoidable I'm afraid, we'll just have to work through it. 

I strongly advise ignoring main stream media as much as you can. Those who can keep their critical eye open, will be better able to withstand the assaults hurled at us constantly. Fear is being invoked - to distract you, to panic you, to fill your mind with useless clutter to prevent you from thinking about things that you enjoy, and/or things that really matter. Invoked to prevent you from acting, even in small ways, to change and improve your world. Resist The Fear! Replace it with Love and Understanding. Realize most of what 'they' fling at us is, at base, utter crap. Wipe it off, smile, and carry on.

I'd like to provide some links to some articles about what is happening in Detroit, the 'gift economy', and the place and nature of 'jobs' vs. 'work' in our developing new world:

I may be back with more thoughts later, we'll see. I'm just so oddly content at this moment! It will pass, I know it. But, I do enjoy peace of mind when it comes ---- grab on if you find some! 

Love, Peace, Joy ... TO ALL 


Above is a view of the salt marsh at high tide behind my Sister and Bro-in-law's new place on Wilmington Island near Savannah. They lucked out, this place is a treasure! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Well hello there fellow humans!

I woke up this past Sunday with some serious abdominal pain and ended up spending the entire day in bed, feeling worse by the minute. Eventually, Mom and my Sister noticed that I was not coming out to have a beer or a ciggie --- at all! The horror of it - imagine! These two facts convinced them I needed to go to the ER.

Thank God they were able to convince me; I fought them on it at first. Sure enough, I had acute appendicitis and they scheduled me for surgery right away. Ended up spending the next 3 days there under observation, as my appendix had been perforated but did not appear to have really ruptured. I think it may have started to rupture right when they were running the CAT scan on me, as I recall the doc saying 'your appendix was huge'. Many thanks to all the nurses and other 'allied health professionals' at Memorial - you were pretty cool  to me from what I see.

So, I'm home now recuperating, feeling good if a bit tired and, well, gassy. But, I am so very thankful it was caught in time. A lot of changes are happening in my life right now, and I DO NOT want my life to end anytime soon (are you listening, BRMc?).

I'll try to conjure up some mixture of thoughts to post tomorrow, just felt the need to say hello, and that I remain ... ALIVE!

Peace, Love, and Joy to ALL,


And, here is a picture of Rasputin. Why? Who knows, who cares! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Changing Channels

Good Evening, fellow humans...

Thoughts this evening are in the realm of alternate realities/dimensions. Changing channels, so to speak. What if we were to find that all the infinite possibilities in each of our unique lives did indeed 'play out' in an infinity of universes/realities? What if we were able to develop an awareness of this, and be able to take our 'master' perspective and literally change universes/lives/outcomes at will? To explore the ramifications of our various choices, to edit them and explore as we see fit;  and to RECALL this experience - as we return to the - I don't know - the reality we are most comfortable with? The one we inhabit when we need a rest from all of the stimulation?

This thought-stream amazes me, I see huge potential here. This does DEMAND further exploration! Of course, Dean Koontz already explored this in his novel 'From the Corner of His Eye', and I'm sure many others have also. But, I still want to take this further, the journey awaits!

So, happy travels everyone! Sweet, or not, dreams...

Love, Peace, Joy 2 ALL!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back and Empty

Not really empty, but burned through the many thoughts I had today. I'll keep tapping away and see if I can recapture some  of them. .....................

Hmmmmm, let us see. Sing a Song, there we go. I just finished helping my sister and her family move in to a very nice circa 1967 or 1968 ranch this past weekend. Very 'bewitched', modernist w/weird colonial details and some cool ironwork (many Savannah area homes, even the most standard contractor built crap, have cool iron work on them somewhere). Listened to the Carpenters album 'The Singles, 1969-1973' with my niece Abby today. She immediately recognized 'Sing a Song', as she had sung it in her chorus class a few years ago. "Sing, sing a song .... Don't worry about how good it is for any one else to hear, just sing, sing a song." You know the one, if you are of a certain age and not totally clueless and of course western! It was poignant,  and odd. To be in a home so reminiscent of the era and singing the music of the time --- such an oddly hopeful time, despite the Vietnam War.  A time when many people still believed a better future was possible, truly. So very different from now. I very much enjoyed sharing these good memories and feelings with my niece. She, and all children, deserve some positive energy directed their way. I had many more thought streams going, but the only place I'm 'going' now is to bed. Maybe I'll post more tomorrow. Maybe I won't.

Good Night All!